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Finding the Right Target Audience for Your Marketing Content


Prior to creating and posting any content, any experienced eCommerce entrepreneur will know that it is absolutely vital that they market their content to the right audience. Without identifying who the target audience is for specific content, there is little use in posting it – particularly with content aimed at marketing a product, website, or service.

Whether you are just starting out in the eCommerce world, or you are a seasoned entrepreneur with many years of experience, it’s understandable that there may be some confusion as to identifying the right target audience. Fortunately, there are some tried and true methods that can help you identify your target audience, helping you to grow and establish your brand as you begin marketing your content towards the right readers.

Typically, most eCommerce entrepreneurs will use analytics of some kind in order to better understand the demographic of those visiting their site. These demographics can be seen using a number of different services, including Google Analytics and Facebook Insights. Using these can be deceivingly simple, and they make it easy for you to get a detailed overview outlining the demographic of visitors who come to your page or store. Google Analytics monitors nearly every detail about your typical audience, including their age, general location, interests, and gender. Facebook Insights does much of the same, but for Facebook posts only. Each of these can be used to narrow down which demographic of people are interested in your page, helping you to better target your content towards the interests of those individuals. These tools can also be used to see which posts received the most engagement, and which did not do so well; this information can be used to better understand which types of posts see the most interest from readers, helping to define the target audience. Those who have invested in paid Twitter Ads can use Twitter’s Followers Dashboard feature, which works much like Facebook Insights. The feature shows which other accounts your followers are following, in order to give you a better understanding of what they are interested in, and why they may be following you.

In addition to analytics, another powerful tool at your disposal is the survey, which can be used in a number of ways to gather data about your target audience. Surveys can be done by sending out an automated email, or they can be done directly from your website itself – whatever the case may be, asking readers to fill out a survey about their basic information (location, age, gender, etc.) and why they view your website, store, or blog is potentially the most accurate way of identifying your target audience. While you may think they are visiting for one factor or another, you may learn that may are interested for another factor entirely. You can then use this information to adjust your marketing trajectory and you can change your content accordingly, in order to better appeal to your target audience, thus inciting growth.

A popular tool that many bloggers and eCommerce Entrepreneurs have begun to implement into finding their target audience is through creating user personas. Creating user personas is an activity that very effectively outlines the average visitor to your page. By creating profiles of would-be users, including their name, occupation, hobbies, concerns, and problems, you can better understand how your content affects this user, and you can create content that more effectively targets the visitors this exercise emulates.

Finally, pinpointing your target audience requires communication with your community, as they can and will tell you exactly what they are looking for. If you receive positive feedback on a post, reply and ask the poster what it is that you are doing so well – then do more of that once you get an answer. This should be said for negative feedback as well; while many, many negative comments should be ignored in an effort to avoid ‘trolls,’ negative comments that are done in a constructive manner should be taken into consideration, as they can help you to better understand what you are doing right, and what you can do better. If a post has received astoundingly negative feedback, ask the community why, and use their answers to make positive changes that will increase your growth over time.

To learn more about finding your target audience, read the original article at coschedule.com here…



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