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Boost Your E-Commerce Sales With Game-Changing Phone Call Tracking Technology

A woman wearing a headset is engaging in marketing communication with a group of people.

Despite the wide spreading of automatic online sales, many clients across all businesses still prefer phone calls. Most B2B businesses and client support teams cannot replace hot calls with anything else.

In these circumstances, it is crucial to process more and more calls in the most operative, efficient, and cost-effective way. And phone call tracking software successfully helps businesses to do it.

What Is Call Tracking?

Phone call tracking software is a tool that allows businesses to monitor and analyze all aspects of their phone calls, including call duration, time of day, and call source. This software helps companies better understand their customers’ needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor their services and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, call tracking software provides valuable data and insights to help businesses optimize their marketing campaigns and improve their ROI. With the ability to track and analyze phone calls, companies can make data-driven decisions, ultimately leading to increased revenue and success.

Сall tracking software registers, processes, and records in detail the incoming and outgoing calls made by clients of a particular company, service, or even team. Most call-tracking solutions record the following parameters:

  • Phone call number, timestamp, duration, sequence number, success or failure of dealing.
  • Client’s language and location, gender, age, and other demographics.
  • Company’s source of lead generation (landing page, advertisement, site, social media account) and details of its sales funnel, particularly trigger words and phrases.

Advanced examples of call tracking programs can stress professions and positions, create separate directories for the biggest clients and partners, range calls by emergency or importance, and much more.

The call data may be instantly organized into exact call tracking metrics and quickly processed by analytic teams, classic software, and AI. The best software has multiple settings to provide users with required but not excess data sets.

All this functionality makes call-tracking software an efficient method for sale optimization in any high-competition business. It is instrumental in industries based on classic personal communications, branding, trust, and evident reputation:

  • Marketing agencies and departments
  • Customer support teams
  • Law consulting firms and individual lawyers
  • Real estate and investment companies
  • Shipping, small retail, and online sales.

How to Choose to Call Tracking Software

Dozens of tracking software developers offer hundreds of solutions that are universal or finely adapted for the needs of a particular industry. The more cautiously the company selects the software, the more benefits it receives. Particularly, call tracking services became a factor in the success of online retail businesses. The call FedEx tracking service gained the trust of the most cautious clients, and an implemented UPS tracking call system helped to develop various support options. 

To select the best personal toolkit for your business, pay attention to the following:

  • A ratio of achieved value to spent money;
  • Specific functionality, described on the developer’s site
  • Company’s portfolio and client reviews on external sites
  • Competency of the customer support team
  • Options for integrations with external tools
  • Convenience and reliability of the demo version.

Also, it is often obligatory to include software for call tracking in quality CRM systems. However, its functionality may be inferior to one by a separate program set. Nonetheless, most CRMs allow for the integration of external call-tracking systems. Regardless, when choosing an integrated or different software, it is recommended to consider each provider individually and compare experts’ analyses on specialized sites.

How Call Tracking Works

In a primary case, call tracking acts as a part of the following complex:

  1. Phone number field and client callback form. The company’s site, landing page, target advertising banner, or social media account may have a unique phone number for research purposes.
  2. Interface for call tracking metrics login, management, researching, and storing or deleting data. 
  3. Call processing programs and a set of supportive servers or decentralized software. 

The call tracking software itself consists of programs for:

  • Interactive voice response
  • Distribution of calls
  • Call recording and post-call processing.

Interactive voice response

Interactive voice response (IVR) offers clients several options to choose from by using a phone keyboard. In standard cases, they may automatically get basic answers to basic questions or apply to a consulting agency. If clients need individual consultations, this part of the call tracking software specifies their group with a few questions and leads them to a personalized agent. In addition, the software for interactive voice response blocks scammer numbers and blacklisted clients.

Besides, interactive voice response is also a powerful marketing instrument. IVRs offer sets of familiar voices, but it is recommended to download a custom recognizable vocalization that will become your brand’s voice.

Call distribution

This function is usually integrated into the IVR software, but separate call-tracking apps exist for distribution. The distribution software receives incoming calls and sends them to operators quickly. Besides, it switches on and off different calls, tracks operators’ activities, and collects efficiency statistics. Statistics on call distribution processes are an excellent way to evaluate individual members of a call-center team and its whole strategy.

Call recording

In most cases, call tracking services record calls if a company’s support or sales team cannot react instantly:

  • On weekends and holidays
  • When all operators are overcharged
  • When an issue needs a lot of time to be solved

However, some companies record all claims and applications and keep them for a short period to improve client interactions, track trends, or research the market. They often also integrate voice recognition that transforms clients’ speech into text, which AI can quickly analyze.

Benefits of Call Tracking 

An advanced call-tracking service can increase the efficiency of phone-oriented marketing methods to the level of online applications. It quickly provides fast, notable results:

  • I collect profound, detailed statistics for strategic marketing research, adjust target groups, and track crucial changes.
  • I was distinguishing the most efficient landing pages and marketing strategies.
  • I am shorting the time for an average client interaction, improving the company’s service and client experience.
  • Increasing conversion of calls into purchases, finding and fixing the errors, consulting, and hotting of clients.
  • I am decreasing marketing and development costs.
  • I exclude almost all risks of the company’s human errors while leading a client to a consulting specialist.
  • Vast opportunities for expanding business with the minimum team and easy integration with AI.

In Summary

You’ve just discovered the power of call tracking. This incredible technology can handle large call volumes, enhance customer experiences, and enable companies to adapt to changes seamlessly. By implementing call tracking, businesses can expand their reach, boost their customer reputation, and establish a more recognizable brand. In fact, companies that utilize advanced call-tracking capabilities have gained a significant advantage over their competitors. As time passes, it’s become increasingly clear that call tracking is a must-have solution for any business looking to achieve greater success.

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