Brands ranked based on Ratings & Reviews captured across key retailers and marketplaces
Brands and retailers live and die on the performance and reputation of their product. This is why it’s critical for them to understand how they stack up against their competition.
The PowerReviews Brand Health Index: Electronics Edition ranks brands based on insights gleaned from product ratings and reviews across three major retailers and marketplaces (, and
Check out the ungated report to find out:
- The Top 30 electronics brands in 2020 and 2021 according to consumers (based on the proprietary PowerReviews Brand Health Score)
- The Top 30 electronics brands in 2020 and 2021 – according to consumers – broken down by three significant retailers/marketplaces:, Walmart,con and
- Deep dive analysis and ranking across television, cell phones, wearables, and headphones categories
Special thanks to our friends at PowerReviews for their insights on this topic.