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Brick and Mortar to Ecommerce and Back Again

A girl transitions from brick and mortar to ecommerce while posing in front of a building.

Whether you started as an Ecommerce experience and grew into having a brick and mortar presence or find yourself realizing that you need to put more energy into Ecommerce because your brick and mortar revenue has taken a hit, you are not alone. At Shopify’s (re)Unite Virtual Conference, they shared a jarring yet equally hopeful statistic:

From the onset of COVID-19, 71% of retail sales processed through Shopify POS have disappeared.  But 94% of those lost in-store sales have been replaced with Ecommerce sales.

It’s proved that the merchants who can adapt quickly have been able to take advantage of the massive shifts in consumer buying dynamics.  

Some of the biggest challenges that marketers face when juggling both Ecommerce and brick and mortar channels is the different data that each of these experiences create.  There are two primary reasons why marketers need a CDP in order to truly create a seamless and efficient online/offline experience:

  1. The first way that a CDP enables marketers to manage a brick and mortar and an Ecommerce experience is by enabling a deeper understanding of the customer journey.  Some customers may browse through your online store but come into the store to purchase.  Other customers may prefer to shop exclusively online.
  1. The second way that CDP helps is by giving you a stronger view into the differences between your marketing effectiveness online vs in-store.  Marketers already know not to treat all of your customers equally and this is even more important when marketing to your customers who buy online vs. in your store.  Your customers who buy online may need more frequent communication while your brick and mortar customers need a discount.

An activated CDP like Zaius can make all the difference when it comes to analyzing your online and offline data and making it easy to build audience segments and customize campaigns.  

Let’s show you how:

Online+Offline Customer Reports

Online and Offline Reports

Want to easily compare online and offline revenue, we’ve made it a snap.  Comparing revenue by day and by stores is just one simple way to visualize your data.  Zaius makes it 

Custom Segmentation

Quickly create segments based on purchase and browsing behaviors of your customers.  Activate these segments across email, SMS, direct mail, social media or online advertising to personalize your content.


Understand attribution from your marketing efforts regardless of where your customers are purchasing.  

Whether you have both online and offline presence or are just getting started moving more seriously online Zaius is here to help.

This article originally appeared in the Zaius blog and has been published here with permission.

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