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Crucial Considerations For Fragile Art Shipping: Tips For Success

Cardboard boxes stacked in a room, one labeled "Fragile," hinting at the bustling world of ecommerce, with a kitchen counter in the background.

Your fine art pieces are usually fragile and delicate and need to be accounted for when shipping from one location to another. This means you can’t simply pack and ship these pieces as you would with regular cargo.

While regular cargo and possessions may be able to withstand different temperatures and bumps on the road, fine art is usually very temperamental and easily damaged.

To ensure that your valuable art pieces aren’t damaged or deteriorated by shipping methods, it is very important to take extra steps and precautions to confirm that they are packaged and shipped with extra care.

Please keep reading the article below to discover the main tips when shipping fragile art.

Selecting the Right Packaging Materials

You must be extra aware of the packaging materials you use to ship fragile art pieces. Different types of artwork may require different types of care. Therefore, asking your art dealer or another professional how best to keep your unique art looking pristine is always preferable.

In general, fine art requires several layers of protection when packaged. These can include (but are not limited to) bubble wrap, cling film, paper wrapping, and cardboard. Ensure the corners of art pieces and the surfaces (especially glass) are covered and protected.

You may choose to use glassine or an acid-free type of paper. Secure each packaged item with layers of bubble wrap, and use artist tape or packing tape to seal each box after packaging. Invest in tamper seals to ensure integrity upon arrival, and make sure your boxes are sturdy and heavy-duty—not flimsy and prone to breakage.

Whenever you handle your artwork, do so carefully and not exert unnecessary pressure on the items. If possible, use gloves and keep direct contact to a minimum.

Customizing Shipping Methods for Fragile Art

When shipping fragile art or any delicate items, it is good practice to choose the right shipping methods and to let the company or driver know to exercise caution. Air transport is usually the safest bet for fragile art items as it is a smooth ride, and your art is less likely to be handled frequently.

It can also be safer and prone to extra security measures than rail or road transportation. You may want to research other shipping options, such as packing items in crates or hiring a dedicated team for your artwork.

Choosing a shipping company that specializes in art shipping is also one of the best ways to ensure the safe and secure arrival of your art items. These companies are knowledgeable professionals who know and have experience with what they do.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Choosing climate-controlled storage and transport for your fragile art pieces is crucial. Delicate and fine art can often become damaged, warped, or discolored from heat, humidity, and extreme cold. It is not sufficient to leave these items exposed to the outside elements.

Choose a temperature-controlled environment to keep your fragile art pieces in the best shape possible and to be able to enjoy them for years to come. No one wants to ship their art off only to have it arrive damaged and unrecognizable. Be on the safe side and choose climate-controlled storage.

Handling and Transportation Protocols

Art shipping is usually subject to specific handling and transportation protocols. It is up to you to be aware of these different regulations and to abide by them. Do your research beforehand and get professional expertise if necessary.

Ensure you receive proof of delivery and inspect your items once they reach their final destination. If necessary, take photos and videos. Remember to label your boxes and keep track of what items you are shipping and where. This can help prevent damaged or missing items.

For example, labeling a box as “fragile” will help the workers identify what needs to be handled carefully and cautiously. Without these labels or cues, you risk having your delicate artwork shipped improperly.

Documentation and Insurance

Fine art requires and is usually subject to more documentation than regular items. These pieces are sentimental and valuable and typically require extra care. You may need to provide proof of value or additional documents when shipping.

Not having these documents can create delays or make it harder to get your items where they need to be. It is a good idea to create a checklist and make sure you have everything you need.

It is also smart to create a personal inventory list of everything you are shipping so that you can take stock and identify what is being transported. You should also look into taking out insurance on your items, as it ensures that you will be covered should an accident or unexpected event occur.

Take Precautions When Shipping Fragile Art

You should never ship fragile or delicate art pieces without adequately packing, handling them carefully, and ensuring secure shipment.

In addition to these factors, you will need to transport and hold fine art in climate-controlled units so they won’t be exposed to outside heat or humidity. Nothing can ruin your art faster than moisture and extreme temperatures.

Making extra effort to ensure your art is shipped safely goes a long way. You will reap the benefits of enjoying your precious artwork for many years.

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