Get started connecting your brands’ systems in seconds
The ability to pull together your brands’ most important data is essential to building a single view of the customer. Activating Data out of Zaius is as simple as a single click and it’s what makes us the best Activated CDP in the marketplace. As of today, all of our customers have access to our new App Directory, where Zaius users will find dozens of new integrations that can be installed with a single click. Just curious what integrations we offer? Check out our integrations listing page.
The advantages of this robust new feature are aplenty: App Directory makes discovering integrations very easy thanks to categorizing and search, and managing the integration is a breeze with easy-to-use settings pages and simple configuration via a clean user interface.
You may also notice a new set of integrations in the App Directory we haven’t previously offered. We’ve added a new integration with Yotpo for ratings and reviews and Delighted for NPS and Customer Satisfaction. To enhance the capabilities that marketers have within their campaigns, we’ve built new coupon code integrations for both custom codes as well as for Shopify. On the data activation side, there are brand new ESP integrations as well as an ad tech integration with Criteo.
Many of our new integrations that you will discover in the directory are designed using a brand new integration platform. In the near future, we’ll be sharing more news on how you can develop on top of this new platform. If you are interested in getting more information on the integration platform, click the button at the bottom of the post.
In the meantime, if you want to integrate with Zaius, check out our REST APIs. We’ll continue to support all of our current APIs and integrations for the foreseeable future.
With Zaius, the more data you bring into the platform, the better our insights and observations get and the more successful your marketing campaigns become with better segmentation.
This article originally appeared in the Zaius blog and has been published here with permission.