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Hawke Media WINS “Best Digital Marketing Agency” In The Yotpo Partner Awards


Hawke Media is thrilled to announce that we have received Yotpo’s Best Digital Marketing Agency Award for our work with Alkaline Herb Shop this year! 

Alkaline Herb Shop is an organic blend store whose herbal blends are made from wildcrafted and organic herbs. 

“Wildcrafted herbs grow without human intervention, which means they are hardy, potent, and grown in their natural environment. Our herbs are carefully selected for quality and packaging in the USA, free of fillers, additives, and other artificial ingredients. The world is in need of so much healing. For this reason, it is very important for me to provide affordable products that are accessible to everyone.” – Suhail Rivera, Founder of Alkaline Herb Shop

Hawke Media worked with Alkaline Herb Shop to put together a strategy that would generate revenue during a typically slow time of year (post-holidays – pre-spring/summer). Since Alkaline Herb Shop is already an extremely affordable and high-quality product, we wanted to stay away from using discounts or increasing campaign spending. 

In doing so, Hawke worked with Yotpo to find a number of different solutions to help reach Alkaline Herb Shop’s goals that included:

  • Increasing Campaign Cadence to weekly
  • Utilizing SMS campaign resends 
  • Creating and using exclusion lists
  • And leveraging active vs. master segments to mitigate campaign costs 

We also added two new cross-sell flows to promote best sellers through SMS. These strategies resulted in the highest revenue generated (YTD, March 2021). You can read more about our work with Alkaline Herb Shop here

“In March we saw an ROI of 2842.14%, which is incredible! SMS by Yotpo has made it possible for us to significantly increase our returns and simultaneously connect with our customers on a more personal level. Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity for a sale, why not meet customers where they are already” – Suhail Rivera Founder of Alkaline Herb Shop

None of these results would have been possible without the partnership between Yotpo and Hawke. 

“Our longstanding partnership with Yotpo is key to our client’s success! Yotpo offers a set of world-class solutions across reviews, loyalty, UGC, and SMS that are central components of a merchant’s tech stack. Plus the Yotpo team also extends excellent customer service and support to Hawke Media and our clients as well as a generous discount on pricing. We recommend Yotpo without hesitation to anyone in eCommerce!” – Ashley Scorpio, Vice President of Partnerships at Hawke Media 

Yotpo SMS Offering: 

SMS is becoming essential to growing a great DTC business. Did you know that open rates are over 90%? As opposed to email, which is becoming more and more crowded, SMS is a great way to grab attention. Yotpo’s SMS bump is a leading provider in the space and as a valued partner we’re offering an exclusive offer for SMS Bump now: 

Gain FREE access to the SMS platform, with a dedicated client success manager to help achieve maximum ROI 

Check out this page to see if you qualify! You can also go ahead email [email protected] to redeem this offer. 

We look forward to working on more campaigns with Yotpo and our clients this year! 

Special thanks to our friends at HawkeMedia for their insights on this topic.
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