Whether you’ve just launched your store on Shopify or are growing your business, a referral marketing program is essential for building brand awareness and acquiring high-value customers at a low cost. See how Grobo automated a referral marketing process in one minute and continues to drive powerful recommendations from its happy customers.
About Grobo
Growing is hard. It’s not easy to get (and keep) a “green thumb”. Yet with Grobo, the market leader in the grow box space, growing a plant involves zero guesswork.
Founded in 2014, Grobo’s roots are based on Bjorn Dawson’s (CEO and Founder) combined passion for mechanical engineering and horticulture. Its grow boxes enable novice and experienced growers across the US, Canada, and Europe to easily raise and maintain their own cannabis and/or produce indoors.
After launching and tweaking their high-performing grow box products (Grobo Solid and Grobo Premium), the Grobo team, “Doubled down on supporting our customers…one of our key promises to our customers is that we’ll be there for you,” says Bjorn. “If you read through our customer reviews [driven by Loox], you’ll see a lot of them talk about the customer support that they receive from us- this is a key way in which we strongly stand behind the product.” Grobo is also known for its exceptionally loyal and avid community of growers. Their customers love sharing reviews and photos of the Grobo products and their “gardening successes”. Customers also actively ask questions on the Grobo-hosted forum, allgrowers.com, and learn tips and tricks via their engaging YouTube channel.
Goal: Evergreen word of mouth
Provides an amazing product? Check.
Delivers top-tier customer service? Check.
Builds a brand-centric community? Check.
The Grobo team wields a lot of word-of-mouth marketing power. They already use WOM in the form of Grobo giveaways. “We see a great uptick whenever we run those giveaway campaigns- but they are campaigns, so they end,” says Bjorn.
In combination with the upcoming holidays and the launch of the new Grobo Start, Bjorn and the Grobo team were wanting to create a referral marketing program that ran on autopilot, saving them time and maximizing ROI.
Solution: Loox Referrals for Shopify
As a brand that already uses Loox to collect customer reviews and photos (after having tried a few other review solutions), Bjorn and the Grobo team were excited to learn about the launch of Loox’s newest solution, Loox Referrals.
“The photo element of Loox’s reviews is one of the biggest things for us. With Loox, we’ve had multiple people submit reviews and upload photos of themselves- you can’t get much more real than that,” states Bjorn. “You can see these Grobos in different environments and you just know- OK it’s actually a thing, and it’s out there and people have it- because we couldn’t create that kind of content on our own like the way people do through the Loox app.”
Now, the question was how to get these happy customers to actively promote Grobo to their own circles. To put it simply, Bjorn was looking for, “some way that people could be constantly doing referrals.” Around the same time that he was researching ongoing referral marketing solutions, Loox launched its new referral solution and it was an easy “yes” to try it out.
Within one minute, Bjorn created a customized referral discount that automatically displays to any customer after they’ve made a purchase. Fitting seamlessly into the purchase confirmation page, the unique discount link can easily be shared across social media and messaging channels.
“It just works,” grins Bjorn. “I set it up, didn’t need to look at it again, and we’ve done over ten thousand USD in revenue [in less than a month]…it was quick to turn on and works for our customers. They’re sharing it and we’re getting the sales- everybody is winning.”
Considering Grobo’s proud customer base and the brand’s need for a plug and play referral marketing solution, Loox Referrals was an easy and rewarding choice. The Loox team is thankful for the opportunity to aid independent businesses, like Grobo, in leveraging the power of their happy customers. From an expanding customer base and product offering to flourishing word-of-mouth, it’s fitting that Grobo’s brand is all about “growing”.