In this day in age, it seems like everyone on the web wants to see overnight results from their marketing strategy. While it may be ideal to grow a large and committed audience in just a few days or weeks, this is far from the case, and it typically takes many years for companies to begin experience substantial growth or sales.
That being said, there are some inbound marketing tricks that can be applied in order to see faster results and more growth, essentially speeding up the process a bit from where it would be otherwise.
It’s absolutely necessary that eCommerce entrepreneurs have an active blog on their website, as blogs are an integral part of inbound marketing. Not only should the blog be present, it should be updated at least once a week with relevant and interesting content that will encourage the reader to share online.
When excellent blog posts are published and shared, this drives traffic to the source, bringing attention and credibility to the brand.
Along with that blog should come a blog subscription landing page. When a customer visits the site, they should be greeted with a very large landing page, prompting them to subscribe for weekly newsletters. Offer something free with the subscription to encourage them to sign up.
Statistics show that calls-to-action are almost guaranteed to increase content engagement, as they prompt readers to pitch in their own ideas and opinions, allowing them to feel relevant and involved with the conversation.
When posting blogs, include questions that will have the audience wanting to respond. For example, if you’ve done a product review as a blog post, ask readers what they thought of the product, and if there was anything missed in the article. This will encourage feedback, which will encourage share.
While having an extensive email list is by no means bad, it doesn’t mean much if half of the subscribers are inactive. If a company has 100,000 subscribers, but is only seeing a very small fraction of that engaging with content and making purchases, it may be time to makes some changes to the email marketing strategy.
Make a list of inactive subscribers and invite them back with exclusive content or a coupon. Offer them something that will entice them to return, and many will become active again as a result.
When blogging, it’s important to stay in with the latest news and trends. Take note of interesting news, and use it as content for blogs. This is an excellent way to increase organic traffic from Google searches, as well as get a significant amount of shares on social media.
Finally, it’s important to know who your competitors are, and which other blogs and businesses your customers are interested in. Once this has been established, begin sharing your content on those other platforms in order to redirect the reader’s attention to your blog and store. Former customers will recognize the brand name, and this moment of recognition may very likely persuade them to come back. In addition, you will be able to reach out to potential new audiences, which will lead to higher readership and more sales.
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