Many companies have social media marketing down to a science, and have no issue attracting new store visitors through their many online marketing campaigns. While successful marketing campaigns can be great for attracting new visitors to your store, what’s really important is how many of those visitors are converting into customers.
Unfortunately, having a stellar social media marketing plan does not always equate with having a high conversion rate. This is often the result of attracting the wrong demographic of leads; for example, a company selling products targeted at seniors may have no issue attracting teens and young adults with a well-planned social media marketing strategy, but if the senior demographic is not being targeted directly, it’s likely that the campaign will not lead to a high conversion rate.
Because of this, it’s important that companies utilize what is known as a “lead magnet” in order to target the right group of people with their marketing strategy. Lead magnets can include many factors of marketing, such as checklists, reports, and video training to name a few.
When planning your lead magnet, there are several elements that should be included in order to achieve the highest conversion rate possible
- Help the customer solve a problem relevant to their demographic.
- Be specific in what you are trying to help the customer with.
- Focus on one objective, one piece of information the customer absolutely must understand about your product or service, and how it benefits them.
- Make your lead magnet easy for many to access and understand.
- Ensure the customer knows that they are getting an excellent value by working with you or purchasing your products.
- Build trust with your customer by establishing yourself as the authority on the subject.
Store visitors turn into customers because they need a problem solved.
All products and services should be designed to solve one problem or another in order to make sales, making it absolutely necessary that your marketing campaigns be clear about how your product or service helps the customer.
In addition, be sure that your products are not targeting vague issues – the customer should feel as if your product or service targets their needs directly and more efficiently than those of your competitors, otherwise they will not be compelled to make a purchase.
Make sure your customer understands one big takeaway about your product or service. Outline one major fact they should be aware of, and how it helps them. Don’t spread your product or service too thin by trying to solve too many problems; focus on one main objective, then proceed from there.
People from all age groups and lifestyles use the internet, and will be subject to your lead magnets as they peruse the web. Because of the many individuals who will see your lead magnets, ensure that they are easy to understand, and can be consumed by nearly any individual. Don’t use jargon or unnecessarily complicated descriptions – get straight to the point in a way that all potential customers will understand.
The two biggest reasons visitors convert into customers is because a company provides them with better value than any other, and because they have a trusting relationship with their customers.
When site visitors feel that they are getting an excellent value, they will be far more inclined to make a purchase than if they feel they could get the product or service elsewhere for a lower cost. In addition, customers put significant weight on how much they can trust a company, making it nothing less than pertinent that your site visitors feel they can trust you from the moment they come into contact with your lead magnet.