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Marketing Trends You’re Using (But Could Use Better)

Overhead view of four people at a table with laptops, smartphones, notepads, and drinks, engaged in collaborative work on a Shopify DTC project.

Marketing has become an indispensable segment of any successful business in the modern age.

With the help of marketing, many businesses manage to stand out in the oversaturated digital space and achieve incredible business success.

As marketing directly impacts increasing visibility and recognition, many brands use different marketing trends and strategies to stand out.

However, brands often need to correct when using popular marketing trends. Some reasons for this are a superficial approach to marketing, excessive focus on the competition, and insufficient knowledge of one’s brand.

Although there are many significant trends in the market, some could be implemented better if you avoid inevitable common mistakes.

This article will look at marketing and marketing trends you use daily, but you can certainly do better. Let’s start!

How to Prevent Common Marketing Mistakes?

Effective marketing strategies are crucial for the success of any business. Yet, making some marketing mistakes can harm your final brand and business image. Unfortunately, many brands fail to use marketing trends and strategies to their full potential due to some common reasons. The most common reasons are:

These common mistakes can even be seen in more prominent brands’ marketing. Luckily, there are some things you can do before you start making the most out of the marketing trends you’re using.

Target your audience precisely.

Defining your target audience precisely is crucial before jumping into marketing trends. Your brand’s tone should match your audience’s preferences, and so should your marketing strategy. You need to use the right directions to communicate with the right audience to see the results you’re hoping for.

Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals is also critical to your business’s success. It’s essential to aim high, but realistic goals can lead to effective marketing strategies and approaches. Therefore, choosing marketing trends tailored to your business’s needs and goals is best.

Find the right trend for you.

Marketing trends change frequently, and jumping on the latest bandwagon is always tempting. However, it’s crucial to find proven trends that work for your business and stick to them. Instead of experimenting with new trends daily, change your strategy based on what worked and didn’t.

Understand your brand’s needs.

Understanding your brand’s needs is also vital. You should choose a marketing trend that aligns with your brand’s unique voice, vision, goals, and objectives. To boost sales, you should focus on strategies that deliver results, not just the latest trend. Always ensure that the marketing trend you’re using is aligned with your brand’s needs.

Popular Marketing Practices You Could Use Better

There are some marketing practices and trends that are widely considered to be the key to success in the industry. However, many brands must improve and achieve the expected outcomes when utilizing them. In this regard, let’s look at what precisely these mistakes entail.

Content Marketing Practice 

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to the content marketing trend is creating content that needs to be tailored to the brand’s niche. Of course, it’s nice to have content in blogs, newsletters, and videos on different topics and show off your broad knowledge, but you will need more than that.

Using your long-form videos, you can use a video repurpose AI tool to generate short-form videos (suitable for YouTube Shorts, Instagram reels, and TikTok videos).

Creating high-quality content is crucial for demonstrating a brand’s relevance to its target audience. This evidence is essential to show potential customers that the brand offers precisely what they need.

With that in mind, you should tailor your content to your target audience and follow the basic guidelines for creating the content you’ll be posting.

To better specify what kind of content you should have, ask yourself the following few questions: 

  • What problem does my target group face?
  • What values ​​does my target group value?
  • What would my target group like to learn that is closely related to the products/services I offer?
  • What is the purpose of the content I create?

Although they seem pretty straightforward, these questions will become your allies in creating great content, getting the most out of this practice, and avoiding common content marketing mistakes. The answers you get will be the keys to many doors of creativity that will launch your business success and bring you closer to your target niche.

Social Media Marketing Practice

Ah, yes, we are all on social media. But the real question here is which one? Don’t get me wrong; social media advertising is phenomenal and one of the best practices to get noticed.

But if you choose the wrong social media platform for advertising, you will likely lose time, money, and nerves. This brings us back to the story’s beginning when we mentioned the importance of knowing your target audience.

Considering who our ideal potential customer is, we will choose a social media platform to target exactly our perfect customer.

If your products or services are intended for teenagers or young people, you will not use the LinkedIn platform to advertise them. Instead, you’ll go the TikTok route and put everything you offer out there.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) & Keywords Practice

Without good search engine optimization, there is no clear ranking for all of us. While SEO experts work their magic to position a site high on the first page of search engines, others want to get results overnight and often need to pay more attention to the key segments of good keyword optimization.

Some of the most common mistakes are:

  • Keyword stuffing – So to speak, overuse of keywords to achieve better optimization (sorry, fellas, but it doesn’t work like that).
  • Too few keywords – The opposite of Keyword stuffing is using too few keywords or choosing only one word to focus on for optimization.
  • Ignore meta elements. Sometimes, meta titles and meta descriptions can be crucial. As you pay attention to the rest of the content you optimize, you should also pay attention to the meta elements.

These are just some of the examples that show why using SEO keywords trends does not bring the desired results.

To effectively communicate and implement the SEO strategy, use an SEO report presentation template that serves as a structured framework for presenting an organization’s SEO plan, goals, and tactics in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner. Whether for internal strategy meetings or pitching SEO strategies to clients, an SEO report facilitates a better understanding of the proposed SEO activities and how they align with overall business objectives. Also, it helps stakeholders visualize the steps involved in improving search engine rankings and the innovative technology being applied for optimal results.

Hiring Influencers Practice

In the earlier stages of marketing, when influencer marketing started to become a prevalent method for being noticed, the focus was on macro influencers. Macro influencers were distinguished by their influence on the masses and their large number of followers on social media.

Macro influencers are known for their enormous influence and more expensive marketing campaigns. On the other hand, micro-influencers also appeared due to the evolution of the market. Micro-influencers represent individuals who have a smaller but more dedicated circle of followers. One of the most common mistakes, and why you need to use the full potential of influencer marketing, is picking the correct type of influencer.

Although they have fewer followers, cooperation with micro-influencers allows brands to engage more deeply with the target group because their messages are perceived as more authentic. Instead of one-off campaigns, more and more brands are turning to long-term partnerships with micro-influencers.

This strategy allows the brand to build a continuous connection with the target group through authenticity and consistency and provides influencers with stability in cooperation.

Email Marketing Practice

Email marketing practice is one of the best for collecting leads, but also for creating a deeper connection with your potential consumers. However, sometimes, brands do not use the full potential of email marketing due to typical email marketing mistakes. One of those mistakes is sending too many newsletters to users.

Someone left their email on your mailing list, but you should refrain from spamming them endlessly with your offers, promotions, and tips. Also, what often happens could be better and more relevant newsletter design and content. The point of email marketing is to build a strong bond of loyalty with your potential customers.

In this regard, you should build your newsletter strategy carefully in a valuable and exciting way that will contain some promotions from time to time. It’s essential to have good copywriting in your subject lines to improve your open rates. Remaining unobtrusive yet present is the key to any marketing campaign.

In Conclusion

To fully capitalize on the potential of marketing trends, we must ensure we’re using marketing trends correctly. Although errors are common and can sneak up on us despite our efforts to be cautious, examining whether any small mistakes we may have unconsciously made have led to more significant issues is essential.

If our marketing efforts aren’t generating the desired results, it’s time to question whether we’re doing everything correctly. Sometimes, in our eagerness to achieve rapid business success, we may overlook certain things and fail to achieve the desired outcomes. 

Moreover, it’s crucial to only go for some new marketing trends that appear and to focus on something other than our competitors’ achievements. Just because a new marketing trend yields exceptional results for others doesn’t necessarily mean it will do the same for our brand. 

Whether you need help with content, SEO, or influencer marketing, one thing is sure. The key to a successful business is to maximize every marketing trend’s potential while staying true to our unique brand.


Nebojsa is a seasoned professional in the SEO and link-building industry with significant expertise and a history of leading successful teams. With a keen focus on client satisfaction, our team at Heroic Rankings has built a reputation for hard work, high standards, and consistent results.

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