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People Over Pixels: Talking To Your Customers To Get Deeper Insights Into Channels And Attribution

Ecommerce podcast episode featuring Matt Bari, discussing the importance of talking to customers for deeper channel insights and attribution.

My guest in today’s episode is Matt Bahr the Co-Founder & CEO of EnquireLabs. They’re a marketing analytics Shopify app that helps you build and launch attribution surveys.

If you’re not familiar with what an attribution survey is, it’s a survey that lives post-purchase and helps you understand where your customers are coming from by asking one simple question, “how did you hear about us?”.

Enquire also provides a suite of analytics on top of this survey data by combining your survey response data with your Shopify ecommerce data.

Let’s jump in a learn more!

What You Will Learn Today

  • How advertising platforms that Shopify brands rely on are grading their own homework with their own attribution models.
  • How to figure out which marketing initiatives are working best.
  • Why a third of all Shopify sales have no attribution associated with the order.
  • Why word-of-mouth is still the elephant in the room.
  • Learn why there’s usually no bigger driver of your brand’s growth than word-of-mouth, which lowers your customer acquisition cost, but yet most have no visibility into it.
  • Understanding the basics sometimes get overlooked when there are so many layers of complexity to a marketing strategy.

Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Tweetable Gold Nugget

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Spending smarter starts with understanding what’s actually working.” quote=”Spending smarter starts with understanding what’s actually working.”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Understand your marketing ROI with attribution surveys from Enquire. The only platform designed to get marketing attribution data from the source that matters the most: your customers.” quote=”Understand your marketing ROI with attribution surveys from Enquire. The only platform designed to get marketing attribution data from the source that matters the most: your customers.”]

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