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PowerReviews Christmas Shopping Consumer Survey 2020 – UK Edition

A woman in a santa hat is shopping online using a laptop amidst the festive decor of a Christmas tree.

PowerReviews Christmas Shopping Consumer Survey 2020

Our consumer survey of 2,296 UK consumers highlights Christmas shopping spending plans, factors driving purchase decisions, likelihood of shopping online vs in-store, importance of Black Friday and much more.

  • Overall spending level will be in line with previous years: Three-quarters (75%) said it will either stay the same or increase this year – despite market conditions.

  • Holiday shopping will start earlier than usual: Nine in ten will either start spending earlier or at the same time as they normally would.

  • Huge shift to ecommerce: 59% say they will spend more online this year than they did last, although 32% say they have no concerns about Holiday in-store shopping despite pandemic.

  • Black Friday increasing in importance: 35% say Black Friday has overtaken New Year’s Sales in importance.

  • Looking beyond Amazon: 67% will buy from retailers other than Amazon and 68% will go direct to consumer this year.

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This article originally appeared by our friends at PowerReviews.

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