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Team Spotlight Blog: Meet Dillon Ashcroft, Customer Success Manager, APAC (At Stackla)


In this edition of the Nosto team spotlight, get to know Dillon Ashcroft, Customer Success Manager in APAC for Stackla. He shares his favorite part of working at Stackla, the best advice he’s ever received, and how he stays energized and focused during the work week.

Q: What has been your favorite part about working at Stackla?

Dillon: I get to work with clients who are doing wildly different things using Stackla every day. “No two days are the same” sounds really cliche but it’s true.

Q: What are you most looking forward to as Stackla joins Nosto?

Dillon: When this was announced a friend said they couldn’t wait to see the “tech babies” that come from this. I think we will see things being possible now that we may never have considered if we were apart.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Dillon: “Let them say no.”

It’s really easy to question things or doubt yourself. When you put yourself and your ideas out there you realise the majority of the things you could worry about are unfounded.

Q: What’s your favorite tradition or holiday?

Dillon: Lunar New Year. Australia can feel remote at times, down at the bottom of the world. Around this time though, you get a real sense that you’re part of something bigger.

Q: What is your favorite musical instrument and why?

Dillon: My favourite “instruments” are actually digital audio workstations (DAWs). Illustrators have tablets, photographers have smartphones, and musicians have DAWs. Ten to 15 years ago, you had to learn to play guitar and use an 8 track and program midi controllers just to get started. There are simply so many musical possibilities now that wouldn’t have been created because the barriers to entry were too high.

Q: Do you have any routines you use to improve your energy and focus?

Dillon: I put on extreme metal early in the morning. It’s hard to be low on energy with the tempos and, with harsh vocals, I’m not distracted by the lyrics like with other music.

Special thanks to our friends at Nosto for their insights on this topic.
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