Running a successful Black Friday Cyber Monday sale can cause a lot of stress for many store owners as they prepare their business for a massive influx of traffic and sales. I wrote this post specifically to help make it easier for you and ensure this year’s holiday is a profitable one for your business.
This 26-point Black Friday Cyber Monday checklist ensures your store is in the best position possible to not only succeed and make a lot of money during the holiday season but also minimize the stress and headaches this season brings to a lot of business owners. This list will also help you cover all of your bases and give you ideas on preparing and running your holiday sale this year.
Go through it, implement and steal the ideas that work for you, and evaluate. Let’s get into it:
Start Now
1. Customers are looking for information and researching earlier than you might expect.
Prepare your holiday sales as early as you can and begin letting your customers and visitors know about your upcoming sale months in advance.
According to research from NFR, every year, 40% of customers begin researching and doing their holiday shopping as early as October. Not only do you need to start preparing early, but you also need to ensure that customers looking for gift ideas and information on particular products find you.
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