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What You Need to Know About Indiana Photo Release Forms

A white barn transformed into an ecommerce shop with a wooden walkway.

Indiana is a state that values personal privacy and property rights. Therefore, if you plan to take photos of people or property in Indiana for personal or commercial use, it is essential to understand the state’s photography laws.

One crucial aspect of these laws is the use of photo release forms.

Understanding Indiana’s Photography Laws

Indiana photography laws are primarily concerned with protecting individuals’ privacy and property rights. For example, Indiana Code 35-46-1-15 prohibits using zoom lenses or other devices to capture images of a person’s intimate areas without consent. This law also forbids distributing, displaying, or selling such images.

Another relevant law is Indiana Code 34-30-15, which concerns using drones for photography. This law requires that drone operators obtain the consent of anyone whose image or voice is captured by the drone. Failure to comply with this law can result in civil damages, fines, and even criminal charges.

What is a Photo Release Form?

A photo release form, also known as a model release form, is a legal document granting permission to use an individual’s likeness in photos or videos. This form typically outlines the terms and conditions of the use and specifies the compensation or consideration provided to the subject.

Importance of a Photo Release Form in Indiana

In Indiana, a photo release form is particularly important for commercial photographers, videographers, and filmmakers. By obtaining a signed release form, these professionals can protect themselves from potential legal issues, such as invasion of privacy claims, defamation claims, or misappropriation of likeness claims.

Furthermore, photo release forms are also essential for those who want to use photos or videos for advertising, marketing, or promotional purposes. Using another person’s likeness can result in legal liabilities and damages without a signed release form.

Components of a Photo Release Form

A photo release form typically includes the following components:

1. Identification of the Parties

The form should identify the parties involved, including the photographer, videographer, and subject.

2. Grant of Permission

The form should specify the scope of the permission granted, including the specific photos or videos, the intended use, and the duration of the use.

3. Compensation

The form should specify the compensation or consideration provided to the subject for using their likeness.

4. Representations and Warranties

The form should include representations and warranties by both parties, such as the subject’s representation that they have the legal right to grant permission and the photographer’s representation that they will not use the likeness in a manner that is defamatory or infringes on any rights.

5. Signatures

Both parties should sign the form to indicate their agreement to the terms and conditions.

Comparison of Indiana Photo Release Form with California Photo Release Form

While Indiana and California both have laws concerning the use of photo release forms, there may be some differences in the specific requirements of the forms. For example, California requires that the form include a specific notice regarding the potential use of the image in a commercial context. It is essential to ensure that the form used complies with the specific laws of the state in which the photos or videos will be used. Also, you can check Photo Release Form in California.


In conclusion, photo release forms are essential for photographers, videographers, and filmmakers in Indiana. By ensuring that all necessary parties have signed a release form, these professionals can protect themselves from potential legal liabilities and damages. It is crucial to understand the specific requirements of Indiana’s laws and regulations and to use a form that complies with these requirements.

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