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Yotpo X NFT: An Exciting New Project For Our Flock


One of the most exciting things to happen today is the rise of NFTs, a major part of the Web3 movement that’s exploding with brands like Adidas, Nike, Clinique…and even Shopify which launched a marketplace.

(Feeling lost? Read more about NFTs and Web3.)

We believe that in the next 15 years a lot of innovation, products, and wealth creation is going to be based on Web3, especially eCommerce. And NFTs have a huge potential for brands looking for innovative ways to build customer loyalty and community.

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce the Fabulous Flamingo Club (FFC for short) — a collection of Flamingo NFTs and a community around them. And we’re launching the community with the most fabulous people I know: Yotpo employees.

At Yotpo, our people are the driving force behind everything we do. We created the FFC because we wanted to give something back to our flock — something that would align with our community and values. We hope through the FFC we can get o …

This story continues at Yotpo

Special thanks to our friends at Yotpo for their insights on this topic.
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