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You Built An Email List. Now What? How I’m Turning My 4,244 Email List Into Sales For My Shopify Store.



Last month I turned on my first Privy Campaign.

And within 5 days I had 598 new emails.

Fast forward 40 days, and my list has grown to 4,244 subscribers.

And it’s all from one campaign.

So this prompted the question…what should I do with all these emails?

That’s where Privy Email comes in.

Privy Email is the fastest way to set up email automation for your Shopify store.

And everything I’m about to show you I set up in less than an hour.

Autoresponders: How To Make Money While You Sleep

Autoresponders are one of the easiest ways to set up automation.

An autoresponder is an email that lives in your Privy Convert campaign. They are automatically sent each time you capture a customer email.

You can customize these emails based on your goals. Simply create one to send it out as a welcome message, or create a sequence that sends at different times to continue building the relationship with your subscribers.

These emails only send to customers who have not yet completed their purchase. And if they do end up making a purchase, they are opted out of the future emails in your sequence.

You can see my setup below:

Pro Tip: Make sure you click “Sync Signups” at the top to have each email you collect pass into Shopify.

I have 3 emails running right now to get customers back on my store. Even while I sleep.

My goal is to sell while the customer demand is highest, so I want to close the sale in the first 72 hours.

Here’s how I structured the email series to make it happen:

Email #1 – Educational/Reminder (27% Open Rate)

Subject Line: See Why Instagram Influencers Are Using Our Product

This email is sent 1 day after sign up. It’s mostly informational. It talks about how customers are using our product and gives them an opportunity to look at our best-seller.

This first email should remind the customer why they clicked on your ad or came to your site in the first place. And including a bit of social proof is always a good idea – that’s why I mention that influencers use our product. It makes people think, “Oh, if this is good enough for an influencer, it’s definitely good enough for me.

Email #2 – Discount Introduction (30% Open Rate)

Subject Line: I have a deal for you…

This email is sent 2 days after the initial sign up.

Here’s where I introduce a discount code for 20% that is valid for any product on the website.

The code is completely unique to them. And with Privy, I set it to expire after 48 hours to create a sense of urgency.

Email #3 – Last Chance Discount (50% Open Rate)

Subject Line: last chance

Finally, 3 days after the original sign up, I send the final reminder email that their coupon will expire in 24 hours. This email performs incredibly well because it creates a sense of urgency that gets the customer back to the site and (hopefully) to checkout.

The Monthly Newsletter That Takes Me 5 Minutes To Create

I have to admit something…before I started working at Privy, I never sent a monthly newsletter.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the value of newsletters.

But they always took so long to create. Sitting down and spending time each month writing and editing emails didn’t seem like a good use of my time.

With Privy Email, I spend only 5 minutes each month creating newsletters. And each one makes me hundreds of dollars.

Here’s what I recommend:

Creating a Template

First, create your dream email. Make it simple and be sure to include:

1. A Headline

2. A Featured image that shows off your brand

3. A few sentences

4. A coupon

5. A call to action (CTA)

Here’s what mine looks like:

Next, save this as your template. Title it something like “Monthly Newsletter Template.”

This makes it easily accessible for your future newsletters.

So once September comes along, all I need to do is change the word August to September And tweak the sentences slightly.

Targeting The Right Audience

And the last part is targeting. Here’s what I do every time:

  • Lifetime spend is less than $1
  • Last seen after the 1st of the month

So this audience has been on my site recently, but didn’t spend a dollar with me.

I send these out during the last week of the month and repeat monthly.

Getting Started: Email Is How You Grow

Unlike Facebook or Google, email is your channel. YOU own it.

You can contact your list whenever and as often as you’d like. And it’s free.

Privy Email is designed to help you set up your email marketing fast.

So if you are looking for fast results – sign up for Privy Email for as little as $13/month today.

This article originally appeared in the Privy blog and has been published here with permission.

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