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Looking To Improve CX? Use This Shopify App To Drive Better Shipping Experiences With Jared Haas Of UPS Capital

Ecommerce fastlane ep 267 - improve customer experience with Shopify app.

A Shopify Podcast To Grow Revenue And Loyalty

In today’s Shopify ecommerce podcast, my guest is Jared Haas from UPS Capital, the product champion for the new InsureShield App for Shopify stores.

Between inflation, supply chain delays, and staffing shortages, Shopify brands don’t have time to handle shipping mishaps. Today we’ll all learn how the InsureShield App for Shopify can significantly improve your conversion rate, brand loyalty, and post-purchase experience regarding shipping protection for brands and consumers.

Today’s episode is made possible by our friends at LittleData, the Google Analytics app for Shopify stores, to fix your tracking and benchmark performance.

This is Jared’s story…

Jared Haas is the Digital Client Solutions Supervisor for UPS Capital and a product champion of the InsureShield app for Shopify stores. The app is designed to help brands improve their conversion rate, brand affinity, and brand loyalty by protecting against shipping mishaps, including porch piracy. Haas explains that the app is powered by UPS Capital, a UPS division focusing on risk mitigation for small to medium businesses on Shopify. He notes that the app covers all shipping carriers, not just UPS, and provides coverage for lost, damaged, or stolen packages. The InsureShield app also offers a 30-day free trial and free data consultations with analytics experts.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About Porch piracy and other shipping issues that brands and consumers experience.
  • How the InsureShield App for Shopify can significantly improve your conversion rate, brand affinity, brand loyalty, just the overall post-purchase experience and as it relates to shipping protection.
  • Shopify merchants can now access UPS Capital’s InsureShield App to access one-click package protection for their Shopify business.
  • Shopify merchants can also create customized business rules to apply protection based on product costs, SKUs, and delivery locations.
  • All-risk protection regardless of the carrier, including UPS, FedEx, DHL, and USPS.
  • The ability to quickly take care of a customer in the wake of a loss with fast claims payment in days, not weeks.

Get the new InsureShield app for Shopify and help protect your shipments from porch piracy and other shipping mishaps.

Here’s a breakdown of what is covered:

  • [00:03:09] – Today’s episode of eCommerce Fastlane features Jared Haas from UPS Capital talking about the new InsureShield app for Shopify stores. UPS Capital is the shipping experience and insurance division of UPS. It’s been around for 115 years and celebrated its birthday here in August.
  • [00:05:22] – UPS started as a financial services firm in the late 1990s and transformed into a risk mitigation partner of UPS Capital, a service provider in 19 countries and territories worldwide. UPS Capital offers small and medium-sized businesses an insurance shield and shipping coverage app.
  • [00:08:24] – There were 210,000,000 packages stolen from doorsteps in the US. Last year. Amazon has set a new standard regarding shipping and return policies. Ecommerce shippers have to deal with that situation daily, where they have to decide whether or not to pay back their customers or reshape the shipment.
  • [00:11:15] – Insure Shield is an all-risk insurance solution offered by UPS Capital. It’s either a consumer-elected product, or it can be a brand-owned product. Default insurance from the carrier is different from the InsuredShield product. Carrier liability only covers you when the carrier has been negligent in the loss or the damage of the item that has been shipped.
  • [00:15:20] – There is a consumer-elected insurance feature with the InsureShield Shopify app.
  • [00:18:10] – The app’s biggest differentiator is giving you the option to put insurance in your checkout flow. If the consumer doesn’t want to buy the insurance, the merchant has to self-insure. Customization is possible by product and geography. It allows for all that customization.
  • [00:20:34] – UPS Capital has a portal that allows customers to file a claim with the brand. The brand has to take care of the customer and ship them a replacement product. The customer will be made whole for the total invoice value of the item they sold, plus the shipping cost.
  • [00:26:24] – Pivot wants to talk to Insurer Shield about why they chose Shopify as an app partner. Many people listening right now don’t have shipping insurance on their packages. Pivot would like to hear a story that might motivate them to choose Insurer Shields.
  • [00:27:19] – Steve is on a website called LegacyBox, which has been a long-standing customer of UPS Capital. They help preserve people’s memories by digitizing photos, videos, and VHS tapes.
  • [00:29:45] – Some verticals seem to adapt to this sort of service, offering companies to ship anything from bags of coffee to things that can be damaged. Companies that want to ensure by ensuring their customers’ experience ecommerce. Tracking the order along is interesting.
  • [00:30:56] – UPS Capital is developing an insurance platform. It is illegal to profit from selling insurance, but some companies might do it. UPS Capital will listen to its customers and tweak its app to serve them how they need to.
  • [00:34:49] – People should consider how many customer support calls they’re taking about damages or lost packages and how they handle that workflow. Insure. Shield has a solution to that problem. The customer elected, or the merchant can manually like it through business rules. Some merchants don’t know it’s a problem yet or doesn’t reach out.
  • [00:35:52] – The new InsureShield app gives consumers more control over their insured orders. The app is available in the Shopify App store. It’s easy to install, and it’s free.

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Our North Star is to inspire founders and marketers to accelerate growth through podcasts and strategic insights. Each week, Steve Hutt and his Shopify expert guest discuss the best Shopify apps and current marketing strategies to accelerate growth and scale. You’ll learn how to improve efficiencies, profitably grow revenue, and build lifetime customer loyalty for your Shopify-powered online store. Today’s episode gets you one step closer to learning from those who are winning in ecommerce!

Links and resources mentioned:

InsureShield App for Shopify

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Today’s episode is made possible by our friends at LittleData.io, the Google Analytics app for Shopify stores, to fix your tracking and benchmark performance.

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