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Breaking Down The Barriers To Best-in-Class Experiences For Shopify SMBs With Eduardo Lopez-Soriano Of UPS Capital

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A Shopify Podcast To Grow Revenue And Loyalty

In today’s Shopify ecommerce podcast, my guest is Eduardo Lopez-Soriano, the Vice President of Marketing for UPS Capital. He’s part of the team responsible for the InsureShield Shipping App for Shopify stores.

UPS Capital is the shipping experience and insurance division of UPS. They leverage 100+ years of supply chain expertise to help our customers anticipate and overcome shipping setbacks, including protecting against emerging risks, such as porch piracy. They know that shipping is about much more than moving merchandise – it’s a critical touchpoint in the customer experience, often a business’s last chance to make a good impression.

That’s why they are on a mission to simplify the post-purchase and shipping experience, helping businesses protect their reputation and their bottom line with fast claims payment, expedited reshipment and more. Having a partner like UPS Capital gives businesses peace of mind that they’re protected from shipping mishaps including porch pirates!

Today’s episode is made possible by Tapcart, the number one mobile app builder for direct-to-consumer brands on Shopify. Turn your Shopify store into a mobile app that your consumers will absolutely love.

This is Eduardo Lopez-Soriano’s story.

Eduardo is Vice President of Marketing for UPS Capital. His team is responsible for the InsureShield shipping app that is available for now for Shopify stores.

Eduardo is Vice President of Marketing for UPS Capital. His team is responsible for the Insurer Shield shipping app that is available for now for Shopify stores. The app allows store brands to insure their packages in case of damage, loss, or theft while in transit. This gives businesses peace of mind knowing that their packages are protected, and also allows them to provide excellent customer service in the event that something does go wrong.

Here’s what you will learn in today’s episode.

  • What is the InsureShield App from UPS Capital.
  • Customer’s expectations of an except post-purchase experience.
  • Over 210,000,000 packages stolen in the USA last year and what you can do about it.
  • Why implementing a safety net of shipping insurance can turn a bad situation into a good customer experience.

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Support Our Sponsor

Today’s episode is sponsored by Tapcart, an app that instantly turns your Shopify store into an epic mobile app, no coding required.

Tapcart was launched by mobile veterans Eric Netsch and Sina Mobasser with the intention to solve mobile commerce for all. The goal was to bring mobile apps to the masses and create a platform that enabled a brand to design, launch and manage an app with no coding or development work required. Check them out today at Tapcart.com and learn more.

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